We like to be as open as possible in the information we supply to parents, carers, staff and other interested parties, within the constraints of safeguarding, data protection and confidentiality. On our website you will find links to much of the information you may be seeking, but if there is anything you cannot find, please ask at the school Office.
On our Policies page we have included the ones that we think parents will be most interested in. Our Prospectus is updated in the Autumn Term for those interested in Admissions for the following September, and new parents and children coming into Year 3 receive a 'Welcome Pack' and 'School Handbook' when they start the new academic year.
Further information and copies of the Academy Trust's statutory documents can be found on the Trust's website at http://dcat.academy.
Data Protection:
The Academy Trust's Data Protection Policy and data Privacy Notices can be viewed here:
Freedom of Information:
The Academy's FOI Publication Scheme can be read below, along with a copy of the Academy Trust's FOI Publication Scheme.
Any questions about Data Protection should be referred to our Data Protection Officer
Company: Handsam Limited
Address: Office 27, East Moons Moat Business Centre, Oxleaslow Road, Redditch, Worcestershire, B98 0RE
Email: info@handsam.co.uk
Web: www.handsam.education
Telephone: 03332 070737