In continuing and developing the work of our local infant academy, we aim to work in partnership with parents, governors and the local community to promote the development of all pupils. We are a caring community, encouraging co-operation, tolerance and self-discipline, within the framework of Christian values and practices. We especially value creativity and imagination, and strive to give the children the very best possible educational experiences.
In All Saints Academy we value kindness
We want to: be kinder than is necessary, be a good friend and supportive learning partner and enjoy the benefits that working with others can bring, develop empathy with others and show compassion.
In All Saints Academy we value hope
We want to: hold onto hope, approach life with optimism and positivity, find joy in creating with words, art, music or technology, have fun, be happy and enjoy the world around us, make positive and healthy choices and look forward to the future.
In All Saints Academy we value resilience
We want to: keep trying, have the confidence and determination to try again if we cannot do something yet, have the courage to accept our mistakes and to find alternatives, aim high and maintain belief in ourselves.
In All Saints Academy we value respect
We aim to: respect ourselves and others, listen to others and try to understand their opinions, appreciate similarities and celebrate differences, develop the ability to disagree in a reasoned and considered way.
In All Saints Academy we value generosity
We aim to: give to our local and global neighbours as generously as we can. We understand that generosity can mean giving not only money but time, attention and care.
Mission Statement:
At All Saints all children are challenged, valued as individuals and supported to become independent and active learners; so that they realise their potential and surpass their goals. Through a Christian ethos we foster a love of learning, respect, confidence, self-worth and the skills and values to be an active member of the local community, and be prepared for the future and become lifelong learners.
Our priorities for the 2020-21 academic year are to: